Earn Advanced Degrees

Master's in Applied Leadership

Participants have the option of obtaining a Master's Degree in Applied School Leadership through the Leadership Institute in partnership with National University. This option requires an additional year of coursework (2-year program). Units earned in the SCOE Leadership Preliminary Administrative Services Program are credited toward the degree, which requires an additional year of coursework. The MA program takes place in both face-to-face and online settings.

Participants must decide to enroll in the MA program prior to the start of the Preliminary Administrative Services Program.

Cost of Master's Degree Program *

Payment(s) are made directly to National University.

* Costs for the Master's Program are subject to increase.

Contact Kristen Coyle at kcoyle@scoe.net or (916) 228-2538 for more information.

Master's in Education–Educational Administration

Administrators within the Capital Region who have a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential have the opportunity to earn a Master's Education – Educational Administration degree at University of Massachusetts Global.

Are you considering a master's degree in education? Did you know you could earn this degree in as little as a year by taking just one class every eight weeks?

Apply or get more information at the University of Massachusetts Global website.

Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership

Administrators within the Capital Region who have a Master's degree have the opportunity to earn an Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership at University of Massachusetts Global.

Apply or get more information at the University of Massachusetts Global website.